“Kingdom of the Spiders,” directed by John ‘Bud’ Cardos, is a 1977 cult classic that merges the realms of horror and science fiction with a chilling portrayal of nature’s revenge. Starring William Shatner as Dr. Robert ‘Rack’ Hansen and Tiffany Bolling as entomologist Diane Ashley, the film delves into a small town besieged by an aggressive swarm of venomous spiders. The film’s low-budget charm and unrelenting suspense have earned it a dedicated following. Shatner’s earnest performance and the practical effects contribute to a palpable sense of dread, making “Kingdom of the Spiders” a memorable entry in the eco-horror genre that continues to captivate audiences.
See all the Kingdom of the Spiders T-shirt colors and sizes
Bella+Canvas 3001 unisex T-shirts
See all the Kingdom of the Spiders sweatshirt colors and sizes
Gildan 18000 unisex sweatshirts